The Self Support Show
We're making mommy burnout a thing of the past. Certified Life Coach (and mother of 5) Molly Cash tackles self care, mom guilt, menstrual cycles and living for yourself, not just your kids.
48 episodes
Two Self-Care Mistakes
Introducing Self Support: my new phrase for the kind of self care that involves actually assessing what you need and committing to make it happen no matter what. I'll tell you about two common mistakes people make when it comes to self care, ...
Episode 48
Thought Work Basics: Facts vs. Thoughts
Why you need to know the difference and 5 questions to ask yourself when it gets tricky to sort them out.
Episode 47
Prioritizing You AND the Fam
Is your family your top priority? What about yourself? Did you know it can be both? Here's a simple way to think about you and your family to help everyone get what they need and work with each other, not against.
Episode 46
Choosing Your Discomfort
Did you know that your brain values comfort over solving problems or achieving goals? That it will even choose to continue experiencing pain in order to avoid future discomfort? That's because we're programmed to favor the familiar. But that do...
Episode 45
Connecting with your Kids Part 2
Still feeling overwhelmed about how to connect with your kids? I'm making it even simpler. Plus one brilliant brain hack to help you gain momentum.
Episode 44
How to Connect with your Kids
Why is it hard? Sometimes it feels so awkward or forced. Hear about my mistakes that led to less connection and 3 simple steps to start connecting for real.
Episode 43
Yeah, But...
Do you discount the good things you do because you also make mistakes? Did you know they don't actually cancel each other out? Here's a quick fix for this kind of negative self-talk.
Episode 42
Want to be more creative, focused and decisive, while decreasing distractions, procrastination and perfectionism? The secret lies in constraint.Get on the interest list for my planner (coming soon!) here:
Episode 41
Other People's Emotions
Tiny but powerful episode: One important truth and two things to do about it.
Episode 40
How to Never Waste Time
How your thoughts can help you use your time better - while feeling better too!
Episode 39
On Accepting Help
Do you resist help even when it's offered and you could really use it? Why do we do that? Listen to find out and for the one question to ask yourself when you're not sure whether to get help or not.
Episode 38
Don't Miss What Your PMS is Trying to Teach You!
PMS isn't just cramps and crankiness. Did you know you actually have a PMS superpower that can help you move forward in your life and your goals? This part of the month gets a bad rap but it can serve you really well if you know how to tap into...
Episode 37
Mom Burnout
Gettin' real in this episode. I'm dishing about my experience with burnout as a mom and what's helped me climb out of it (still climbing, btw). If you're feeling burned out, you're not alone, you're not a bad mom, and I'm here to help. Even 30 ...
Episode 36
Liking Things on Purpose (or Why I Like Dogs - don't tell my kids)
You either like something or you don't and you don't really have a choice, right? Wrong. You can absolutely choose to like something on purpose and here's how.
Episode 35
Crumbling Thoughts
"How do I change my thoughts?" I get this question a lot, and there are different ways of doing it, but sometimes all you need is to really see your unhelpful thoughts clearly and they crumble on their own.
Episode 34
Thought Work Basics: Thoughts are Optional
You think thousands of thoughts every day, and they play a huge role in the way your life plays out. The best news ever is that you have options when it comes to what you think.The Thought Work Basics series gives you a tiny glimpse of ...
Episode 33
Forget the Empty Cup!
Standing on my soapbox to tell you why I hate the phrase "You can't pour from an empty cup" and sharing a better way to think about taking care of ourselves and our families.
Episode 32
Confirmation Bias
Our brains often stubbornly hold on to what we already think is true, even molding things that happen around us to fit and reaffirm our opinions. And it's a good thing they do this, but it can also get us into trouble. Learn what confirmation b...
Episode 31
Nope, Not Gonna Enjoy Every Moment
"They grow up so fast. You just blink and they're gone. Enjoy every moment!" Whether it's raising kids, summer break, or just getting your money's worth from something educational or recreational, we've developed this idea that if we're worried...
Episode 30
You Don't Have To
Is your to-do list a mile long? How would it be if you didn't have to do any of that stuff? The truth is you don't. Here's how you can get the stuff done while feeling better, without "having to" do anything.
Episode 29
I Can't Decide!
How often are you paralyzed by indecision? In big choices? What about little ones? I'll tell you what helped me stop waffling and learn to love making decisions!
Episode 28
When You're Overwhelmed
It's May, the most overwhelming month of them all! For some of us, that is. School is wrapping up with all its extra events, spring sports are in full swing, and summer is almost upon us. Are you feelin' it? Listen for how to stop feeling overw...
Episode 27
Thought Work Basics: Thoughts Create Feelings
These three words have completely transformed me and my life. They've done the same for countless others and can do it for you too. This may be the most empowering concept I could ever show you.The Thought Work Basics series gives you a...
Episode 26